General information FAQ
- What is the minimum age to study at ABC School?
The minimum age is 16. - What is the average age of students at ABC School?
The average age is between 18 to 30, however, we have also students who are younger or older. - Can I start at any time?
Yes, you can start your course any time after attending the level test. Beginners' classes start on Mondays. - Where do your students come from?
At ABC School you will meet students from all over the world. Our classes are multinational and form an exciting community. The majority of our students come from Europe, Latin America and Asia. - How many students are there in a class?
There are a maximum of 14 students per class. - How many weeks do I have to pay for?
You can pay for any number of weeks. - Do you offer any discounts?
Yes, the more weeks you pay in advance, the cheaper your lessons will be. The discount is already included in the fees. For extra discounts check our website on a regular basis. - Are you accredited by any official authority?
ABC School of English is accredited by the British Council and is a member of English UK. - Should I arrange travel insurance before coming to the UK?
Yes, all students are strongly advised to take out travel insurance before coming to the UK.
Students' Handbook - where you can find useful information about our school, courses and life in London.