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There are many benefits associated with learning English but having proficient English language skills is particularly advantageous if you want to build a successful career in business.

Whatever sector you work in, you can be sure that being able speak, read, understand, and write in English will help you to achieve your professional goals.

To learn more, take a look at these five reasons why English language skills can help you get ahead in business:

Embrace Global Opportunities

The world is becoming more interconnected as a result of higher levels of trade and cultural exchanges. This process, known as globalisation, means that businessmen and women have access to opportunities worldwide. Whether you’re planning to relocate to the UK or remain in your home country, you’ll have the chance to work with companies that are based overseas and use English as their primary language. Hybrid working and remote teams are now commonplace, which means that many major business organisations are hiring people from every corner of the world. If you have proficient English language skills, you’ll be a step ahead of other candidates when it comes to applying for job roles with major enterprises and global conglomerates.

Expand Your Network

Building a professional network can help you to establish a positive reputation within your chosen sector. Thanks to technological advances, you can cultivate a thriving business network online or by attending face-to-face events, but you’ll find that most networking takes place in English. By studying English and enhancing your language skills, you can expand your network and engage with more people throughout your industry. This gives you a chance to get to know more people within your niche and enables you to make new connections that will benefit you throughout your career.

Take a Secondment

If you work for a global company, having good English language skills will enable you to pursue a secondment, if you choose to. Spending time working in another country, perhaps expanding your business skills and gaining experience in new areas, can help you to find your speciality and gain professional experience. As well as giving you the opportunity to take a secondment in London or anywhere in the UK, learning English skills will ensure you’re able to accept a secondment in virtually any location. English is a primary language in the United States, Canada, the Bahamas, Australia, Ireland, Singapore, South Africa, and many other countries, but it’s also used routinely in a variety of other locations. Throughout Europe, Bahrain, Cyprus, Sri Lanka, the UAE, and Malaysia, for example, many companies and government organisations operate in English, for example.

Stay Up to Date with Industry News

When you work in business, staying up to date with the latest industry news is essential. You’ll need to know what’s happening in your sector if you want to be able to react to business trends and make informed decisions that generate value for your employer. While the internet provides us with access to breaking news in real-time, the majority of online resources are published in English. Due to this, having advanced English skills is extremely beneficial when it comes to staying up to date with what’s happening in your industry. By enhancing your English language skills via an intensive course
or one-to-one sessions, for example, you can boost your knowledge and understanding in minimal time and use your skills to access the latest developments in your sector.

Communicate with International Clients

Increasing globalisation means that many national businesses are now transitioning into multinational corporations. For employees, having good English language skills means you’re able to communicate with international clients effectively and successfully. As you might expect, this can lead to in-house promotion opportunities and give you an edge over your competitors. Whether you’re liaising with clients face-to-face, attending virtual meetings or communicating via email, your English language skills will give you the understanding you need to negotiate deals, plan projects, and cultivate long-term professional relationships with clients and customers.

Learning English to Boost Your Career

With so many business benefits on offer, it’s easy to see why so many people learn English when they want to build a career in business. However, you’ll want to ensure that you have proficient English language skills before you begin using them in a commercial setting.

With a variety of different course options, the ABC School makes it easy to advance your knowledge and understanding of the English language in a way that suits you. By immersing yourself in the culture, for example, you’ll be surrounded by native speakers and have an opportunity to practice your new skills at any time.

To find out more, explore our course options, arrange a free trial lesson or contact the ABC School now at info@abcschool.co.uk.