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Oxford Street London Summer 2012

By Rachel Rowland ( ABC School’s Academic Coordinator )

Summer really is a magical time of the year. The days are much longer, the temperature is so much warmer and people are generally much happier! I thought it would be nice to celebrate the loveliest season by looking at some inspiring quotes about summer and life in general.


"Summertime is always the best of what might be."

This is a quote by Charles Bowden who was an American non-fiction author and journalist. This quote has a truly positive message which can do wonders for motivation after a difficult period. These words inspire hope and the belief that better things are just around the corner.

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”

This quote is anonymous, which means we do not know who actually said these words. However, the message is very powerful because of the importance of travel and the impact it has on the mind. Travel opens us up to new cultures, interesting experiences, new friendships, tasty cuisines and provides us the opportunity for self-discovery! Being away from familiar surroundings and people makes it easier to abandon old patterns of behaviour or ways of thinking that are connected to familiarity rather than our individuality. Travel encourages people to spend their money doing something that they had never even thought about before, such as rock-climbing, water skiing, trekking or scuba diving! Spending money on travel should be seen as an investment, not just a luxury.

Sun is shining, the weather is sweet. Make you want to move your dancing feet.”

This quote taken from Bob Marley’s song ‘Sun Is Shining’ is a truly happy one. The song encourages people to stay positive, enjoy life and to enjoy the sunshine.


“Summer afternoon – summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.”

This quote is by Henry James who was an American author. He is considered by many to be one of the greatest novelists in the English language. The quote certainly is beautiful and makes one think of all the wonderful activities that can be done on a summer afternoon, such as playing in a swimming pool, taking a walk in the English countryside, or simply lounging in a beautiful garden, sipping on a cold iced-tea.

"Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly."

This inspirational quote is taken from the song ‘Into the Mystic’ by Van Morrison. The song is about a sailor at sea, thinking about returning to his lover, who is back home. According to a BBC survey, because of this song's cooling, soothing vibe, this is one of the most popular songs for surgeons to listen to whilst performing operations. I would say any song by Van Morrison is soothing for the soul.

“Life is an adventure, it’s not a package tour.”

This amusing quote is by Eckhart Tolle who is an inspirational German born speaker and spiritual teacher. He has written books such as ‘The Power of Now’ and ‘A New Earth.’

Eckhart encourages us to think about how we approach life. When we spend so much time planning for every possible obstacle which may or may not happen, we are not enjoying the moment and are missing out on the excitement of the unknown. After all, life is an adventure and the best moments for me, looking back, were usually those which were wonderfully unexpected.

I hope that these wonderful quotes have inspired you to make the most of the summer season, after all, the summertime is so short in the U.K and it can easily pass you by in a whirlwind if you let it! Whatever you decide to do, I hope you enjoy every moment.