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ABC School - Blog
Hina Takizawa
Hina, our student from Japan, was chosen as the student of the month in December. She attends the intensive English course of 20 lessons per week, consisting of the General English lessons and the Callan Method. We have interviewed Hina about her experience in London and at ABC School of English. Thank you for taking the time to do the interview Hina, it is so nice to learn more about you.

Could you please tell me something about yourself?

I quit my job in my country and came to London on a working holiday visa.

Why did you decide to come to London?

Because I like London!

How do you find life in London?

It’s quite exciting!

Why did you choose ABC school?

Because they offer the combined course of Callan method and general English.

Are you enjoying your lessons?


What are your plans for the future?

Working in London.